Did you realize that one in three women and one in two men will be diagnosed with some kind of cancer during their lifetime? There have been great advances in medical treatment, and as a result, more people are being cured of their cancers than ever before. As one of my survivor friends describes: "You are a Survivor the moment you hear the words 'you have cancer' and don't drop down dead on the floor." You are immediately a survivor because you are living with the disease - even if not cured.
There are many support groups for survivors and family members. Online check out:
Many"specific" cancer sites (like http://www.lls.org/ and http://ww5.komen.org/) have links to support groups especially for those types of cancer patients.
Check with your health care provider, local hospitals, parish, or American Cancer Society chapter for information on local support groups. To the best of my knowledge, these groups are free and open to blood cancer support group and always walk away feeling happy to have learned something new or that I could be of some sort of help to those just entering their treatment.
Being diagnosed with cancer is a very stressful event! No one should have to go through it alone and there is much to be learned from people who have walked ahead of you in their journey.
For more information and helpful links visit: www.cancerkaleidoscope.com
And CONGRATULATIONS to all you survivors out there!
Praying for a cure,
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