Monday, April 29, 2013

Survivorship Ingredient #5

Ever wonder why you got cancer? I remember way back in High School in health teacher told us that everyone is born with cancer cells in their bodies. When someone is diagnosed with cancer, it is because their lifestyle choices activated those cells and produced the disease. Makes sense, right?

As we all know, there are risk factors for certain kinds of cancer....the major one that comes to mind is smoking...which often causes lung cancer. Or excessive alcohol use may lead to liver cancer. Scientific research is ongoing regarding GMO's (genetically modified organisms) in fruits and vegetables, toxins in food colorings, diet soda products where the combination of caffeine and aspartame can be deadly...and the list goes on. Also in the past decade there has been a lot in the news about obesity, lack of exercise, and the health risks associated with those as well.

Early on in my diagnosis with Leukemia, my sister gave me two books that have had a tremendous impact on me. "Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor" and "Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips" both by Kris Carr. You see, Ms. Carr was diagnosed in 2004 with an inoperable, untreatable, incurable type of cancer. She had no other option but to treat herself with good nutrition...and her story has exploded from there, creating a rush on "green" smoothies, healthy eating, and organic growing. She recently turned a very horrific diagnosis into 10 years of "Thrivership." Have I mentioned she's my hero? Check out her site: I'm sure you'll be inspired by her, too.

If you haven't guessed by now, my fifth ingredient to Survivorship is HEALTHY LIVING!

I recently had a total knee replacement...which (odd as it may seem) according to my Orthopedic surgeon, was needed because the bones in my knee joint were dead and deteriorated due to....yep, all the medications I had been on after my bone marrow transplant. Wow! That was enough for me to say "Alright, I'm going to start going all-natural, using homeopathic remedies for illnesses, no more chemicals in my hair and skin products, and no more cancer-causing foods, drinks, or anything else that could harm my body and bring me back to all the pain of cancer and that knee replacement surgery. 

I've done a lot of research on this in the past several months and began making changes in what I buy at the grocery store, how we cook our food, product ingredients I now know to avoid, and have begun to exercise more frequently. And you know what? If you make these changes in your lifestyle as well, you will see the benefits, too. Such as 1) feeling better - less headaches, gastro problems, a better immune system; 2) lose weight without those gimmicky diets and supplements; and 3) best of all, reduce your risk of cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and so much more. You only get one body, might as well treat it well and make it last as long as you can.

In the words of Spock "Live Long and Prosper."


For healthy eating and product suggestions check out my FB page:

And website's Health & Wellness page:

I update frequently so check back often for the latest in healthy living. 

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